We hope the new year is treating everyone well. It’s been a while since we did an update and we would love to tell you a little of what we’ve been doing the past few months!
The first question you may all be wondering is, how many people have we helped? In 2021 the sunrise fund helped finance 5 people (4 men and 1 woman) into treatment and sober houses spending just over $11,000.
Why is that number smaller than previous years?
There has been a major change with insurance companies and fortunately they are starting to cover private treatment facilities. When we first started the sunrise fund our main mission was to fund private quality treatment to individuals that are ready to put the work in and can’t afford going somewhere after detox. However with this major change, we believe some people are now able to use their insurance for treatment to places such as Plymouth house. Keep in mind, with all healthcare, it still will depend on the kind of insurance they have. For this reason, we may have to focus more on financial assistance for sober living placements.
The good news is that in 2022 we have already surpassed last years number and have helped 9 people (3 men and 6 women) into treatment totaling $37,000.00… and its only March! It’s a tricky thing because we would rather everyone be happy and healthy and not need treatment in the first place. But when there were 1600 overdose deaths in Massachusetts in the first 9 months of 2021, treatment for addiction is needed now more than ever.

September 2021
-We hosted our second annual Sunrise fund golf tournament and it was a great success! We raised over $23,000 to put towards recovery treatment thanks to all the business sponsors and eager golfers! Special thank you to our platinum sponsor, Cape Ann Lobstermen, who very generously donated $5000.00 to our mission. We are so very grateful for your support. Make sure you support your local fisherman and check them out! www.capeannlobstermen.com.
We had a very special speaker at the dinner this year, Christina. Christina is one of the first girls we have funded and is now going into her third year of sobriety. She told her story to everyone and it was amazing to show that our work and your support is really helping people.
November 2021
We were very lucky to receive two donations totaling $40,000 from the Vermont Agency (www.vermontagency.com) who hosted two charity golf tournaments. In each tournament the team who named the sunrise fund as their non-profit of choice won! A big thank you to everyone that was involved, including Cliffy Ambrose and George Carey :)
December 2021
-For #GivingTuesday 2021 we had a very special donation from a friend of the sunrise fund Denise Remington ….a Peloton! We raffled it off as a thank you for supporting us and raised $2200! Thank you so much Denise!

April 2022
-We are also happy to announce our first fundraiser of 2022 will be held at Minglewood Harborside on April 27th. They have generously volunteered to give a portion of proceeds from the night to the sunrise fund on both dine in and takeout profits! We are very excited and want to thank Zach at Minglewood for helping organize. There will be also be 50.50, a few raffle items and live music to add to the fun. We expect a good turnout and can’t wait to see everyone. It’s been a tough few years for us all and we are looking forward to enjoying the evening.