Spring has finally sprung! We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy, and doing the best they can as we navigate through these unprecedented times together, as a community. Let’s try to remain hopeful and remember that better days will come as will the fresh ocean breeze and warmth of sun.
We would like to fill everyone in regarding the happenings so far this Spring.
The Cape Ann Community has played a major role in the success of the Sunrise Funds ability to help people, and now it’s our turn to give back. A few weeks ago, we were able to donate an entire dinner to the homeless shelter at the YMCA, which wouldn’t have been possible without the gracious help of Jess at Capt Hooks. We have been witnessing countless people going to extreme lengths to help each other: to get someone’s groceries, to make sure someone has a mask, and even to purchase gifts and prizes for people on the front lines of this crisis, and it’s truly amazing. There have been so many uplifting stories! We hope the residents at the shelter enjoyed their meal, as it is our way of giving back to the community.

We are also thrilled to announce that we have received a very generous grant from the Alces foundation. The Alces foundation is a private family foundation that was started in Hamilton MA to help fund growing non profit organizations that the family chooses. We are so happy to be picked as one of those organizations! We applied for the grant in April and just received it this week! We would also like to thank Rose and Kayla (sunrise recipient) for having birthday fundraisers to raise money for us this month! These funds are so crucial at this time as we have had to postpone two events so far this year. You guys are awesome, hope you both had a wonderful birthday!
On a more somber note, we want to recognize and thank the families of Daniel Balbo, Michele Gates, and Brandi Mitchell. These three families have recently endured the loss of a loved one and graciously directed donations in their memory to the sunrise fund. We would like to send them virtual hugs and support, as its never easy to lose someone, especially during these troubling times. Families should never have to grieve alone. We want them to know that we are grieving with you, and we are here for you. Each donation we get in their memory will be a step forward in helping us end someone else’s struggle. We thank you for thinking of the sunrise fund.
*Also for anyone who is making a donation in memory of a loved one, please make sure to note that person’s name in the Paypal instructions or notes. We will also be making an “in memoriam” page on our website. If you would like us to put a picture of your loved one and their story, please reach out to us by email- thesunrisefund@gmail.com.

As for our sunrise fund recipients, up to date we have spent just over $60,000 and sent 19 people into treatment. Our girl Kayla, who we blogged about previously, is coming up on 11 months sober!! Another recipient is currently in treatment up in Portland and is celebrating 7 months sober this month!! It’s amazing because these are some of the first people to receive funding from us, and for them to still be doing this awesome in their recovery, makes us feel good.
Stay safe everyone,